The Bella Blossoms, Bravo and Bravo Leadership performance teams are an exclusive, invite only opportunity for dancers to participate on a team that represents Bella Ballerina at public community events. Additionally, participation prepares them for an advanced journey in their dance education by learning more advanced choreography and performance techniques. With an additional :60 min class each week (Blossoms & Bravo) and Hour & 30 Min (Bravo Leadership), they learn additional dances that are performed at community functions, parades, and even in the Bella Ballerina Spring Recital! It is a great bonding opportunity between team members as well. Dancers will participate in social events with their fellow team members and their families.
Blossoms & Bravo dancers will continue to attend their regularly scheduled Butterflies or Ballerinas class. In addition, they will attend at least one (more if they would like) weekly class focused on preparing the performance choreography. Bravo Leadership will attend one extended class and rehearsal per week at the allotted time. Those classes will be offered at the following times: Winter Park Bravo Leadership: Monday, 5:30pm Winter Park Blossoms: Thursday, 5:15pm Lake Nona Bravo/Blossoms Combo: Wednesday, 5:30pm
Performance classes are closed rehearsals and “drop off” is encouraged for parents, however, parent assistance is required at scheduled performance events during the year.
Your Bella Blossoms or Bravo Performance Team contract runs for a full year (Beginning in Spring or Fall Session depending on when you join) and will take the place of any current payments you have set up for regular classes.
The Performance team contract INCLUDES all of the following:
Blossoms/Bravo: One Butterflies or Ballerinas Regular class per week
Blossoms/Bravo: AT Least One : 45-60min Performance Team Class per week
Bravo Leadership: One Performance team Dance class and Rehearsal per week 1hour & 30 min
Two Recitals Annually (included)
Gear Kit for the Performance Team (included with registration Fee
One Social event during the season
Season Fee Schedule: Monthly contract amount is $160. The only other fees for the performance team are:
$125 Registration Fee (Includes your dancer's performance team gear kit)